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about ppi team ppi iconHere you'll learn more about our roster of active team members and investigators, and our organization structure.


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ppi glenn 2017



The late Glenn Pitcher, one of the original founders of Pacific Paranormal Investigations, tragically passed away on March 2, 2009.  Glenn served as PPI's President with a great deal of integrity and compassion, and even now moves us and inspires us to strive for continued excellence in our commitment to paranormal research and outreach.  Please visit our heartfelt memorial, A Tribute to Glenn Pitcher.



2017 jul team photo medium

•|• Back» Brian Miller, Marlene Burke, Dave Hanson •|• Front» Debra Page, Cheryl Hanson, Tim Mountain •|• Seated» Karl Sherlock


About The Team Members


ppi brian 2017


Co-Director/Tech Mgr

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Native San Diegan Brian Miller  has been investigating paranormal activity since 1980.  His investigative approach is influenced by a strong technical background in multiple fields, including security, photography, electronic music/commercial music recording, anthropology, psychology, salvage archaeology and computer sciences. He has worked in a variety of occupations, including gravedigger, aircraft mechanic and hazardous materials emergency response instructor. His aerospace and hazardous materials training introduced him to a range of environmental monitoring devices and the scientific methodology behind their use. Brian is a union organizing coordinator here in San Diego.


ppi karl 2017KARL SHERLOCK

Co-Director / Site Author

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Karl Sherlock's background in logic, critical thinking and rhetoric, along with his amateur interest in science and sound tech, puts his pragmatic approach to paranormal investigating on a more skeptical trajectory. His many personal experiences with the paranormal over the years have led him on the one hand to seek out rational explanations using the scientific method and, on the other hand, to explore philosophical, cultural, psychological, and spiritual causes for paranormal experiences. Karl is an Associate Professor of English at a local college.


ppi tim 2017TIM MOUNTAIN

Co-Director / Researcher

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San Diego County branch librarian Timothy Mountain is a native San Diegan. He has spent the last 25 years actively investigating claims of paranormal activity. A graduate of SDSU with a degree in Environmental Geography and Remote Sensing, he has an extensive knowledge of technology and environmental monitoring devices, and he brings to the group his strong research skills, his sense of humor and his practical common-sense approach to paranormal investigation. Tim's extensive knowledge, practical skills and excellent attitude are sure to help further the success of PPI as Southern California’s premier paranormal investigating group. Tim's hobbies include photography, astronomy, reading, historical research with an emphasis on California and San Diego, historical architecture, home brewing, and travel.


ppi debra 2017DEBRA PAGE

Case Manager / Investigator

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Debra's interest in the paranormal derives from her  university education in Jungian psychology, parapsychology and the nature of mind. She was a field investigator in UFO related phenomena in Berkeley in the early 1990's.  Besides being a retail bookseller in the field of metaphysics, mysticism and world religions, she studied with Purna Das Baul and the Bauls of Bengal, a gypsy minstrel lineage of Sufi/tantric/Vaishnavism pre-dating the 12th century, and was instructed by Hiroshi Myasaki in classical painting.  Since 2004, she has been a student of Venerable Lama Gyatso Chodak Nubpa of the Tibetan Nyingma order.  All of this academic and real-world experience makes Debra grounded and logical, as well as a capable and compassionate case manager.


ppi cheryl 2017CHERYL BAILEY


Cheryl Bailey, along with husband Dave Hanson, runs the SDGAP, San Diego Ghost and Paranormal Group, meet-up (SDGAP), San Diego largest paranormal meet-up group founded in 2007.  Cheryl's skill sets include her extensive background in event organization, data and statistical gathering, and her long-time experience in the paranormal field.  Along with her husband, Cheryl works at a major San Diego museum.


ppi dave 2017DAVE HANSON


Dave Hanson is the co-founder of SDGAP, San Diego Ghost and Paranormal Group, San Diego's largest meet-up group for paranormal enthusiasts.  He brings to PPI a wealth of knowledge about literature in the paranormal, and is an experience event organizer:  he and wife Cheryl Bailey have launched two successful paranormal conferences in San Diego, including the 2012 San Diego Maritime Ghost Conference held aboard the historical ships of the San Diego Maritime Museum. Dave is also a curator for a major San Diego museum.


ppi marlene 2017MARLENE BURKE

Lead Investigator

Marlene Burke joins us an experienced paranormal investigator and long-standing member of SDGAP (San Diego Ghost and Paranormal Group).  As a frequent and knowledgeable traveler to putatively haunted historical venues around the country, Marlene brings to PPI, not only a solid background in EVP techniques and audio analysis, but years of practical investigative experience as well as professional skill sets invaluable to PPI's outreach. In her professional life, Marlene is an executive assistant.


ppi theresa 2017THERESA CANNIZZARO

Reserve Investigator

Theresa is an experienced paranormal investigator who has worked with OC Soulsearchers and investigated dozens of historical sites alleged to be haunted.  Theresa's pragmatic approach, skills sets, and medical background as a respiratory therapist make her a resourceful investigator able to boast a diverse skill set.