- Written by PPI Managment
The San Diego based Pacific Paranormal Investigations (PPI) began in 2005 as a not-for-profit organization of investigators and researchers seeking to assist those who are troubled or curious about experiences they suspect are paranormal. PPI’s services are completely FREE of charge, and our investigations can extend beyond San Diego County to the greater Southern California area. As investigators our main goal is to assist clients with our services, but as researchers we also rigorously use scientific methods and current technologies to contribute to the field of paranormal research. With commitment to our clients and dedication to our peers in the field of paranormal research, we take great pride in our PPI motto: Investigate. Evaluate. Educate....
- Written by PPI Managment
Since 2007, Pacific Paranormal Investigations has been registered with the TAPS Family Members (TFM) network, the official worldwide network of investigation, outreach, and research groups started by The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS).
- Written by PPI Managment
PPI is one among tens of thousands of not-for-profit paranormal investigative groups worldwide proud to support and ally with a broader network of dedicated sister groups. However, as a trademarked identity, we are unaffiliated with any other investigative or research entity whose moniker or initials may resemble ours.