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Digital TV and Alien Contact

Started by PPI Karl, June 19, 2009, 12:44:15 PM

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PPI Karl

I read this interesting article this morning from Seth Shostak (SETI) about the U.S. changing over to DTV.  It never occurred to me until now:

Seth Shostak. "Aliens Lose in Switch to Digital TV." 18 June 2009.  19 June 2009 <>.
If you want to end your misery, start enjoying it, because there's nothing the universe begrudges more than our enjoyment.

PPI Tracy

Now THAT is truly something to ponder.  Wow.

I don't know how they are going to go on without being able to hear "Lucy..I'm home"!    ;)

SCP Ellie

If I remember the "smurfs" were on just before "I love lucy"....
Life feeds on Life

PPI Brian

As Karl Sagan pointed out, if anyone is picking up our analog TV broadcasts now, they are probably watching Adolph Hitler preside at the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin.  :)
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."--Carl Sagan

PPI Jason

Maybe we'll start seeing in upsurge in alien visits as they start wondering why that ghetto planet in the hood with all the violent haters suddenly turned off the loud music that's been keeping them up all night. They'll be like, "Hey, did the Zorlocks finally destroy Earth?!? It's awfully quite over there. Oh no, never mind. It's still there. Oh well."
Probably the earliest flyswatters were nothing more than some sort of striking surface attached to the end of a long stick.
-Jack Handey

SCP Ellie

Soon they will be making "Contact"
Life feeds on Life

PPI Tracy

Quote from: SCP Ellie on July 02, 2009, 02:28:43 PM
Soon they will be making "Contact"

I think they already did.  It starred Jodie Foster.  (sorry....I couldn't resist).  :P


Aliens will be making contact now that is for sure.
They will land, walk out of the spaceship and say
Or for those who don't have a universal translator but have seen "Mars Attacks"
Sounds interesting...Go on.