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What was in the Skies of San Marcos (6/2010)?

Started by PPI Debra, September 17, 2010, 03:31:33 PM

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PPI Debra

From Jason Offcut's Blog

The Flying Thing
The summer afternoon beckoned Wade M. to stop in Del Mar, Calif., on his way home from San Diego to San Marcos. He stopped at the beach and spent the rest of that June day surf fishing.

He got home after dark, around 9 p.m.

?I relaxed, had a beer or two and went to my covered drive to clean my catch,? Wade said. ?I completed that task and looked to the north at the rocky mountainside in the near distance.?

He didn?t expect to see what was there.

?Above my neighbor?s homes across the street something was shimmering and moving rapidly side to side in a space of maybe 60? at 20? altitude,? Wade said. ?I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me from the time earlier in the day when I spent time on the beach in the bright afternoon sun. I was wrong.?

Wade saw two shimmering, nearly transparent parallel lines about three-feet wide in the air moving silently and quickly side to side in the faint glow of a streetlight.

?It was just wings and eyes,? he said. ?The wings didn?t flap like a birds, it was more like a dragonfly, but dragonflies don?t grow three-foot wingspans, fly at night, or display what seemed to be some kind of intelligence like this thing did.?

The entity?s side-to-side movements encompassed about 60 feet in what Wade estimated was only a few seconds. When the thing noticed Wade had seen it, it stopped in the air across.

?Whatever it was, it halted its side-to-side movement and seemed to focus on me,? he said.

As Wade stared at the creature, he realized it was aware of him, too. Fear gripped Wade and he felt his hair rise from his scalp to his ankles.

?I was sure it was a real thing, then I noticed the thing had big black eyes,? he said. ?It sounds silly but it actually looked like the stack of money with eyes in the Geico insurance commercials that have run on TV recently. But they weren?t friendly eyes at all.?

Then the thing quickly shot across the street toward Wade. He dropped and it swooped over his head.

?The thing was interested in me,? Wade said. ?It was staring me down when it was across the street and either attacked or was trying to intimidate me, or who knows what, when it came at me.?

Wade moved from under the covered part of his drive to get a better look at the swooping thing. It was directly above his head.

?I felt great fear,? Wade said. ?I said to the thing out loud,? I see you.??

It moved again.

?It zipped back into view from the direction it had gone, and was looking directly down at me with the weird unblinking eyes,? he said. ?It realized I was looking right at it, and it took off in a flash.?

The next day, Wade asked neighbors about the entity.

?I talked to the lady across the street,? he said. ?I told her what happened. She didn?t see anything, but told me of an encounter she had in a grove with something similar.?

A week later, Wade saw it again.

?It may have been at my bedroom window in the night,? Wade said. ?But it?s gone. This time for good, I hope.?

Author?s note: Do you know what Wade saw? Let me know at

Copyright 2010 by Jason Offutt

"If you're after gettin' the honey, don't go killin' all the bees." -Joe Strummer

PPI Brian

Three foot wing span, black "unblinking" eyes, side to side movement and then swooping over his head.

Here's my guess:  ;D

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."--Carl Sagan

PPI Debra

I couldn't believe it was posted as a paranormal story!

Beautiful photo Brian. We have one that lives behind us in an old pine. I love owls.
"If you're after gettin' the honey, don't go killin' all the bees." -Joe Strummer


Since my parents cat died about a year ago, my mom has been really into Owls.  She has recently setup an Owl box in the back yard with a streaming webcam.  There were a couple of appearances in the box, but none stayed.  They do have 2 others that are living in some of the tall trees behind their home.  Check out this photo of a baby my dad helped back into it's perch!!

Gary \m/
An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself!

PPI Debra

"If you're after gettin' the honey, don't go killin' all the bees." -Joe Strummer

PPI Brian

I love owls. We have a few barn owls that perch on a street light near my house. One of them swooped down on Tim when he was standing on my front patio.  ;D

Those are incredible photographs, Gary. Someday I would like to set up an owl box in my yard.  :)
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."--Carl Sagan


Quote from: PPI Brian M on September 17, 2010, 10:31:45 PM
Those are incredible photographs, Gary. Someday I would like to set up an owl box in my yard.  :)

Haha, Brian, if my parents could you, then, well, ANYONE could it.  But you, YOU could do it in a serious way.  You know what I'm saying?  You should totally do it.
Gary \m/
An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself!

PPI Brian

That would be an awesome project. I love owls and I love technology.

Here's a link to Molly's owl box video stream, which (surprise) happens to be in San Marcos.  :D
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."--Carl Sagan


"A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It cuts the hand that wields it." --Rabindranath Tagore

"Me fail English? That's unpossible." --Ralph Wiggum