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The Universe is the Chicken and I Am the Egg which came first

Started by adminsandiegohaunted, January 15, 2012, 03:12:19 PM

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Dan -  1/15/2012

We all know subjects such as the paranormal are subjective.  But why?  What does it mean to be subjective?

1.existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought ( opposed to objective).
2.pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
3.placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
4.Philosophy . relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
5.relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.

Based upon the definition, it is clear, subjective; is a value of individual interpretation.  Here's an example; a photograph from a well-known suspected haunted location is presented to two different persons.  In private each person is allowed to view the photograph and explain what they see.  Person "A" will be called Adam, and person "B" will be called Bob.  Adam is an avid Christian and attends church regularly.  Bob is agnostic and is still seeking out his own beliefs.  The photograph is a historic bedroom.  An odd shaped white lumenous "orb" appears to be hovering above a chair.  When Adam is presented the picture and asked about the "orb," his immediate response, "it is dust." Bob however starts to speculate that the "orb" appears,"super-natural."

From the example it is easy to see that individual mind set of ideas, values etc.,  form the basis of our perception of reality. The more like minded two individuals are the higher likelihood of a shared perception of reality (with regard to common subject matter).  In essence people tend to seek out like minded persons. Common examples would include religious institutions, political affiliations, support groups, and gangs.  This does not imply that all like minded people form identical conclusions.  Individualism and ego will still exist within like minded groups. Therefore differing conclusions will occur yet still maintain the shared scope of group reality.  Any individual that exceeds the group's tolerance of shared reality will be excluded by default. [r2] John Nash ," Best decribes this law, doing what is best for oneself, and for the group leads to the best result.

So what is reality? My definition, Reality is the shared combination of all usefull energy that exists anywhere. The translation of that energy into usefull real information by "living organisms," And translation of  energy into percievable consciouness by intelligent beings. The total combination of all unversal energy, and intelligent and non intelligent life equals reality.

The universe simply exists without purpose without usefull translation. Reversly life serves no purpose without the raw energy of the universe.

It is quite possible given the definition: that the same energy of the universe may create alternate percievable realities; given the translation by differing life.  It is also possible that an unknown energy source may be of use and percievable by other life.  It is suspected by scientists the dark matter Energy may exist in our universe.  Human beings may not be able to process that Energy into useful information.  Some other life forms may however exists to use and translate that Energy.

A non intelligent, living plant, translates and uses energy of the universe to sustain life but has no concept of consciouness. A human uses and translates energy into percievable consciouness and lives within the confines of that reality, until such time as that humans life ceases. Does the lifetime of translation and use of energy cease after death?

Our living vessels serve but one purpose to give meaning to energy, while we humans try to make meaning out of our own existence. This duality serves the give purpose to both parties equally. Duality (cause and effect) seems to be evident in near every aspect of our universe, it a very common reoccuring theme. It is diffuicult to say whether it is human observation (translation) of energy, creating that duality, or whether that duality exists within the energy source itself. For example Light, and darkness. Observation is very paramount to translation of energy into information.  With regards to observation I'm not implying by physical means such as eye sight but rather any means of energy translation.

Of my musings (and mind you I usually am completely wrong) I'm left with these human re-occuring ideas....

1.  The universe (is intelligent) is in itself as the source of creation.


2.  Two a third party creator existing outside of the universal constraints created the universe and subsequently life.

How you choose to observe the universe will ultimatley reflect the life you live, and the reality you creat. 
