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Started by Tim, April 08, 2007, 02:06:30 AM

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Hey Guys,
I was reading a book the other day and it had a being that was created by human thought. The Tibetan's refered to this being as a "Tulpa". In wikipedia, they refer it as a "Thoughtform".

Thoughtform may be understood as a 'psychospiritual' complex of energy or consciousness manifested either consciously or unconsciously, by an individual or a group. Thoughtform are understood differently and take on different forms in different traditions. Stated differently, a thoughtform, is a subtle objectification that may or may not have consciousness and self-determination. Thoughtform may be benevolent, malevolent or of complex alignment and may be understood as a spontaneous or intentional manifestation from a combination of willpower, bioenergy, discipline, chi, prana and/or astral or ?therial substance.

There are many other cultures that have their  own versions of a tulpa.
I just had scratched the surface of the information I have discovered on the internet
Could these beings be another type of haunting?
Could a place creep someone out so much that they created a tulpa?

Something to think about.


PPI Brian

Hey Tim,

That is a fascinating subject. I have long wondered about such things in certain types of hauntings... where activity seems to revolve around an individual rather than a place. Perhaps some poltergeist activity could be attributed to ThoughForms?

A long time ago I read about someone who intentionally created a ThoughtForm by willing it into existence. But as the person began to lose interest, the ThoughForm took on a life of its own and changed from a pleasant entity to a sinister entity. 

Again, that is an interesting topic. I wonder if some demonic hauntings could be attributed to ThoughForms...


Brian Miller
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."--Carl Sagan


Thanks Brian M or the reply.
To think that it is possible to generate your own ghost or being by using the power of the mind is
is fascinating.
I wonder how many times it has happened and are certain places where it is more likely to have them happen?


PPI Brian

Hey Tim,

Yeah, I wonder about that too. It must be a rare occurrance, or else the world would be over run with such "entities".


Brian Miller
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."--Carl Sagan